
Body Talk via Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is a noninvasive way of evaluating the body’s imbalances and assessing its needs and preferences. Muscle testing assesses the body’s responses when a slight pressure is applied to a large muscle.

Your body provides authentic information on sounds, colors, thoughts, emotions, energy blockages, organ functioning, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, as well as testing the body’s responses to remedies of different substances.

If a substance is something your body wants, you are able to resist any physical downward pressure when holding one arm rigidly horizontal. If your arm is unable to resist the pressure, your body doesn't want that substance. The same procedure can also show how often your body needs to take each substance and how much each time.

Your body's responses may be inconclusive if energy in your body is blocked somewhere. Testing its polarity will reveal if the energy is flowing in the proper direction. If not, it must be redirected before proceeding. The polarity check is needed for each substance tested.

The selected substances should also be tested as a group, because one of them may test well by itself, but combining it with others may produce a synergistic effect that reduces or eliminates the want or need for it.

Muscle Testing aka Kinesiology or Energy Testing

Muscle testing is a method in which you can converse with your authentic innate intelligence of your subconscious mind, as well as your body’s nervous systems and energy fields.

American chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart discovered, through extensive experimentation, that muscle strength could be influenced by the energy fields of objects coming in close contact with the energy fields of your body.

The Physiology of Muscle Testing

With a positive, truthful or yes response, the arm remains strong. With a negative, untruthful or no response, the arm is weakened. But how does the muscle know?

Electrically or chemically induced signals travel from cell to cell throughout the human nervous system.

The skeletal muscles are controlled by the somatic nervous system, which is controlled by the human will. However the autonomic nervous system can override the signals of the somatic system and thus override the human will.

This is what happens with muscle testing. The innate intelligence of the body signals its answer to a question via its autonomic nervous system by increasing or reducing the power of the muscle used. The body doesn't speak in words, it speaks the language of energy — and now you do too!


HELPFUL HINTS before Starting the procedure

The wording of a question is critical. Be very specific. Ask one thing at a time.

  • Testee should keep the eyes closed during each test, so as to remain in the present, and be fully focused on feeling the muscle's action. With eye contact, energy flows from one individual to the other, and thus affecting the answer.
  • The central meridian runs straight up the front of the body, from the pubic bone to the bottom lip. The muscle being tested is weakened if this meridian is not flowing up. Therefore, run your hand 2-3" in front of the body, starting at the lips down to the pubic bone. Then reverse the move.
  • If the muscle/arm remains strong for a NO and weak for a YES, it means that the energy flows in the opposite direction. The main cause for this is, often trauma-based, anxiety, stress, or fear. This flow is reversed by treatment, but when stress resurfaces, the energy flow will reverse again.
  • In order to avoid that, we recommend placing 'life-h#rmonizer' appliqués at the end points of the meridians on both hands & feet. This will allow the energy to consistently flow in the proper direction.
  • Answers from the body will only be valid if the Tester:
    • is not making eye contact,
    • is fully focused on the procedure,
    • asks the Testee's body for permission,
    • applies a consistent and light pressure,
    • does not judge any answer from the body,
    • has no expectations regarding the answer,
    • sends feelings of appreciation to the Testee, who is convinced that the arm can be pushed down, as thoughts have their own energy field.



Although any large body muscle can be utilized for testing, the arm is often the easiest to use:

  1. The Testee should lift the strongest arm directly in front of the shoulder, parallel with the ground, elbow straight, with the hand open and facing down.
  2. The Tester's hand should be placed just beyond the wrist toward the elbow, on the extended arm of the Testee, and rest the other hand lightly on the same side shoulder, so as to better balance Testee.
  3. The Testee should now close the eyes and fully focus his/her attention on what the Tester says or does.
  4. The Tester asks the Testee: "May I try to move your arm? Are you ready?" The Testee should answer "Yes".
  5. Then the Tester asks the Testee, “What's your name?” The Testee answers by stating his/her real name.
  6. The Tester then briefly applies a light downward pressure on the arm of the Testee, while the Testee firmly resists this downward pressure by holding the arm in place, not lift the arm upward.
  7. A minimum pressure will accomplish a more accurate answer than a forceful one. The arm should remain strong and horizontal. This is the body's positive response to the answer given.
  8. Tester asks the Testee again, “What's your name?” The Testee answers by stating someone else's name.
  9. The Tester briefly applies a light downward pressure on the arm of the Testee, while the Testee firmly resists this pressure by trying to hold it in place. Despite these efforts, the arm should be weak and drop. This is the body's negative response to the answer given.
  10. The Testee can now open the eyes. Allow Testee to relax their arm for a moment.
  11. Then have them hold a cell phone or a bottle/cup of water in the other hand and repeat the procedure with items 1-6: permission, real name, and testing the arm.
  12. In most cases, Testee is unable to resist the same pressure and their arm went weak and dropped.
  13. The energy field of the cell-phone/cup/glass/bottle weakened the energy field of the body and the indicator test muscle has lost its strength.
  14. Then attach the H#rmonizer appliqué© to the product you just tested and repeat the test (1-6), applying the same amount of pressure. The harmonic energy field of the appliqué has strengthened the energy field of the product and via the hand holding it, the body.
  15. Most likely, Testee's arm muscle remains strong.

Self Test

If you have nobody nearby to do the arm-muscle test with, do the self-test, using your thumbs and forefingers. The aim of the test is to feel how strongly you can resist with one set of thumb and forefinger the pull of the other set of thumb-forefinger away from the first set.

Dynamometer Test

A 3rd method for measuring different levels of strength is the use of a dynamometer as displayed below. It accurately measures the strength between left-side and right-side muscle groups, or of the thumb and 3 fingers of one hand, by squeezing the bulb as hard as possible:


Obviously, we should only desire to put products in our body which increase our energy level, not deplete it. Therefore harmonize the field of each product before taking it in !!


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Muscle test and Appliqué instructions: English

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